Friday, March 26, 2010

Avid Sports Fans

Well, I am happy to share that I can scratch another item off Ian and I's "Buried Life List" -

Attend a pro basketball game. Check!

Ian and I enjoying our $10 tickets

Awesome date night. $23 spent in total (parking, taco bell, and a $1 ice cream for me and $1 hotdog for Ian)

And let me just say, awesome game in general - thank you Sixers vs. Hawks for making the second half memorable.

Not just because the last 5 minutes was exciting...
Or that we were in the nose bleeds while we could see Ian's company's CEO enjoying himself in his courtside seat...

Courtside seats conveniently next to the Sixers cheerleaders

Or all of the slam dunks that the Sixers made once they got their heads on straight...
Nope, it was the rowdy, avid sports fans who made it great.
It was the two older gentlemen on the row above us who screamed at the top of their lungs for nearly the entire game. And when "Hip-Hop" the mascot was shooting out shirts from the t-shirt launcher, these two old men nearly wrestled on the ground for one of the shirts. I love "these" people.

I think God new I wanted an exciting first pro basketball game. Even if it was the Sixers playing.

First time at the Wachovia Center

1 comment:

  1. Nice start to your blogging career. :) And great job setting up your site.
